57 research outputs found

    Targeting the Structural Balance

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    This paper discusses whether a country should conduct fiscal policy by targeting a structural (or cyclically adjusted) fiscal balance. The paper is divided into three sections. The first section discusses the concept of cyclically adjusted balance (CAB) and points out practical and conceptual problems related to the interpretation and the measurement of a CAB. The second section discusses the theoretical rationale for having a fiscal rule in general and a rule defined in terms of a cyclically adjusted balance in particular. The third section discusses conceptual and practical problems with adopting fiscal rules and rules that target the structural balance.

    A multimodal approach to the study of healthy and pathoogical aging

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    Il presente lavoro si è concentrato sui meccanismi neurofisiologici e comportamentali legati all'invecchiamento sano e patologico. Il primo studio ha esplorato le dinamiche comportamentali ed elettrofisiologiche (N2pc e CDA) del processamento di oggetti multipli in pazienti con decadimento cognitivo lieve ed in pazienti con malattia di Alzheimer (AD), al fine di identificare marcatori neurofisiologici per distinguere l’invecchiamento normale da quello patologico. I dati suggeriscono che la CDA può essere un marcatore neurale utile sia per distinguere tra invecchiamento sano e patologico che per caratterizzare le diverse fasi lungo il continuum della malattia di Alzheimer, diventando un biomarcatore per la diagnosi precoce di AD. Il secondo studio ha valutato la possibilità di applicare un protocollo di neuroriabilitazione non invasiva, mediante stimolazione elettrica transcranica (tES), per migliorare le prestazioni cognitive aumentando il livello di eccitazione. Sia le prestazioni comportamentali ad un compito di memoria a breve termine che gli indici di attivazione fisiologica autonomica (dilatazione pupillare e conduttanza cutanea) sono stati studiati in un gruppo di soggetti giovani sani e in un gruppo di soggetti anziani sani. Nei giovani, entrambe le risposte comportamentali e fisiologiche non sono state modulate dall’applicazione della tES. Negli anziani, invece, la stimolazione reale ha indotto la rievocazione di una proporzione significativamente più bassa di stimoli ad alta salienza, rispetto alla condizione sham, suggerendo una riduzione della capacità di memoria. Gli indici fisiologici risultano inaffidabile nei partecipanti anziani e non possono essere utilizzati per trarre conclusioni definitive sulle modulazioni indotte dalla tES sul livello di eccitazione. Questi risultati hanno mostrato che l’applicazione della tES, durante un compito di memoria a breve termine, modulano diversamente le prestazioni comportamentali nei partecipanti giovani ed in quelli anziani.The present work focused on neurophysiological and behavioral mechanisms related to healthy and pathological aging. The first study explored the behavioral and electrophysiological dynamics (N2pc and CDA) of multiple object processing in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients to identify neurophysiological markers able to differentiate normal from pathological aging. Data suggested that CDA may be a useful neural signature to both distinguish between healthy and pathological aging and characterize the different stages along the AD continuum, possibly becoming a reliable candidate for an early diagnostic biomarker of AD pathology. The second study evaluated the possibility to apply a non-invasive neurorehabilitation protocol, by means of transcranial electrical stimulation (tES), to improve cognitive performance by increasing the level of arousal. Both the behavioral performance to a short term memory task and indexes of autonomic physiological activation (pupillary dilatation and skin conductance) were investigated in a group of healthy young subjects and in a group of healthy elderly subjects. In young, both behavioural and physiological responses were not modulated by tES application. In elderly, instead, real tES induced the report of a significant lower proportion of high salient stimuli, compared to the sham condition, suggesting a reduction of the memory span. The physiological indexes resulted unreliable in elderly participants and they could not be used to draw firm conclusions on the tES modulations of the level of arousal. These results showed that bursts of tES, applied during a short term memory task, differently modulated behavioural performance in young and elderly participants

    Alunos, escola e inserção de trabalho: Perspectivas e realidades

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    Este trabajo pretende difundir parte de los resultados del "Proyecto SECyT UCSE Educación, participación e inserción laboral de alumnos de escuelas secundarias. Zona Metropolitana Norte Buenos Aires y Centro de Santiago del Estero, Argentina. Análisis de dos realidades". El proyecto aborda los principios rectores de la Convención Internacional de los Derechos del Niño (CIDN) y su aplicación en el ámbito escolar. La investigación toma como unidad de análisis a dos escuelas secundarias para observar de qué manera se transmiten los principios de la CIDN a los estudiantes del último año, y cómo se los prepara para su ingreso al mundo académico y del trabajo. Para ello recurrimos a una serie de conceptos del campo de la sociología y de las ciencias sociales. La metodología que se utiliza es cualitativa- cuantitativa, bajo la modalidad estudio de caso. Se utilizaron las técnicas de entrevista, encuesta auto-administrada, y observación participante. A partir de lo mencionado queremos en este trabajo compartir los resultados relativos a la futura inserción laboral de los estudiantes.This work aims to show part of the results of the “Proyecto SECyT UCSE Educación, participación e inserción laboral de alumnos de escuelas secundarias. Zona Metropolitana Norte Buenos Aires y Centro de Santiago del Estero, Argentina. Análisis de dos realidades”. The project addresses the guiding principles of the International Convention on the Rights of the Child (CIDN) and its application in the school environment. The research uses two secondary schools as a unit of analysis to observe how the CIDN principles are transmitted to the final year students, and how they are prepared for their entry into the academic and work world. For this we resort to a series of concepts from the field of sociology and social sciences. The methodology used is qualitative-quantitative, under the case study modality. Interview techniques, self-administered survey, and participant observation were used. Based on the aforementioned, in this work we want to share the results related to the future employment of students.Este trabalho tem como objetivo divulgar parte dos resultados do Projeto SECyT UCSE Educação, participação e inserção trabalhista de alunos do ensino médio. Área Metropolitana Norte Buenos Aires e Centro de Santiago del Estero, Argentina. Análise de duas realidades. O projeto aborda os princípios orientadores da Convenção Internacional dos Direitos da Criança (CIDN) e sua aplicação no ambiente escolar. A pesquisa utiliza duas escolas secundárias como uma unidade de análise para observar como os princípios do CIDN são transmitidos aos alunos do último ano e como eles os preparam para ingressar no mundo acadêmico e do trabalho. Para fazer isso, recorremos a uma série de conceitos do campo da sociologia e das ciências sociais. A metodologia utilizada é qualitativa-quantitativa, na modalidade de estudo de caso. Foram utilizadas técnicas de entrevista, pesquisa auto-administrada e observação participante. Com base no exposto, neste trabalho queremos compartilhar os resultados relacionados ao futuro emprego dos estudantes.Fil: Lora, Laura Noemí. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Derecho; ArgentinaFil: Ochoa, María Laura. Universidad Adolfo Ibañez; ChileFil: Andriuolo, Santiago. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales; ArgentinaFil: Fonzo Bolañez, Claudia Yesica. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet Noa Sur. Instituto de Estudios para el Desarrollo Social. - Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero. Facultad de Humanidades Ciencias Sociales y de la Salud. Instituto de Estudios para el Desarrollo Social; ArgentinaFil: Martínez Sobrino, Rosario. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Derecho; ArgentinaFil: Panizza, Natalia. Universidad Católica de Santiago del Estero; Argentin


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    Este trabajo pretende difundir parte de los resultados del Proyecto SECyT UCSE Educación, participación e inserción laboral de alumnos de escuelas secundarias. Zona Metropolitana Norte Buenos Aires y Centro de Santiago del Estero, Argentina. Análisis de dos realidades. El proyecto aborda los principios rectores de la Convención Internacional de los Derechos del Niño (CIDN) y su aplicación en el ámbito escolar. La investigación toma como unidad de análisis a dos escuelas secundarias para observar de qué manera se transmiten los principios de la CIDN a los estudiantes del último año, y cómo se prepara a éstos para su ingreso al mundo académico y del trabajo. Para ello recurrimos a una serie de conceptos del campo de la sociología y de las ciencias sociales. La metodología que se utiliza es cualitativa- cuantitativa, bajo la modalidad estudio de caso. Se utilizaron las técnicas de entrevista, encuesta auto-administrada, y observación participante. A partir de lo mencionado queremos en este trabajo compartir los resultados relativos a la futura inserción laboral de los estudiantes.

    Breast MRI: EUSOBI recommendations for women's information.

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    UNLABELLED: This paper summarizes information about breast MRI to be provided to women and referring physicians. After listing contraindications, procedure details are described, stressing the need for correct scheduling and not moving during the examination. The structured report including BI-RADS® categories and further actions after a breast MRI examination are discussed. Breast MRI is a very sensitive modality, significantly improving screening in high-risk women. It also has a role in clinical diagnosis, problem solving, and staging, impacting on patient management. However, it is not a perfect test, and occasionally breast cancers can be missed. Therefore, clinical and other imaging findings (from mammography/ultrasound) should also be considered. Conversely, MRI may detect lesions not visible on other imaging modalities turning out to be benign (false positives). These risks should be discussed with women before a breast MRI is requested/performed. Because breast MRI drawbacks depend upon the indication for the examination, basic information for the most important breast MRI indications is presented. Seventeen notes and five frequently asked questions formulated for use as direct communication to women are provided. The text was reviewed by Europa Donna-The European Breast Cancer Coalition to ensure that it can be easily understood by women undergoing MRI. KEY POINTS: • Information on breast MRI concerns advantages/disadvantages and preparation to the examination • Claustrophobia, implantable devices, allergic predisposition, and renal function should be checked • Before menopause, scheduling on day 7-14 of the cycle is preferred • During the examination, it is highly important that the patient keeps still • Availability of prior examinations improves accuracy of breast MRI interpretation.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00330-015-3807-

    Breast ultrasound: recommendations for information to women and referring physicians by the European Society of Breast Imaging

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    Abstract This article summarises the information that should be provided to women and referring physicians about breast ultrasound (US). After explaining the physical principles, technical procedure and safety of US, information is given about its ability to make a correct diagnosis, depending on the setting in which it is applied. The following definite indications for breast US in female subjects are proposed: palpable lump; axillary adenopathy; first diagnostic approach for clinical abnormalities under 40 and in pregnant or lactating women; suspicious abnormalities at mammography or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI); suspicious nipple discharge; recent nipple inversion; skin retraction; breast inflammation; abnormalities in the area of the surgical scar after breast conserving surgery or mastectomy; abnormalities in the presence of breast implants; screening high-risk women, especially when MRI is not performed; loco-regional staging of a known breast cancer, when MRI is not performed; guidance for percutaneous interventions (needle biopsy, pre-surgical localisation, fluid collection drainage); monitoring patients with breast cancer receiving neo-adjuvant therapy, when MRI is not performed. Possible indications such as supplemental screening after mammography for women aged 40–74 with dense breasts are also listed. Moreover, inappropriate indications include screening for breast cancer as a stand-alone alternative to mammography. The structure and organisation of the breast US report and of classification systems such as the BI-RADS and consequent management recommendations are illustrated. Information about additional or new US technologies (colour-Doppler, elastography, and automated whole breast US) is also provided. Finally, five frequently asked questions are answered. Teaching Points • US is an established tool for suspected cancers at all ages and also the method of choice under 40. • For US-visible suspicious lesions, US-guided biopsy is preferred, even for palpable findings. • High-risk women can be screened with US, especially when MRI cannot be performed. • Supplemental US increases cancer detection but also false positives, biopsy rate and follow-up exams. • Breast US is inappropriate as a stand-alone screening method

    Position paper on screening for breast cancer by the European Society of Breast Imaging (EUSOBI) and 30 national breast radiology bodies from Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Israel, Lithuania, Moldova, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and Turkey.

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    UNLABELLED: EUSOBI and 30 national breast radiology bodies support mammography for population-based screening, demonstrated to reduce breast cancer (BC) mortality and treatment impact. According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer, the reduction in mortality is 40 % for women aged 50-69 years taking up the invitation while the probability of false-positive needle biopsy is <1 % per round and overdiagnosis is only 1-10 % for a 20-year screening. Mortality reduction was also observed for the age groups 40-49 years and 70-74 years, although with "limited evidence". Thus, we firstly recommend biennial screening mammography for average-risk women aged 50-69 years; extension up to 73 or 75 years, biennially, is a second priority, from 40-45 to 49 years, annually, a third priority. Screening with thermography or other optical tools as alternatives to mammography is discouraged. Preference should be given to population screening programmes on a territorial basis, with double reading. Adoption of digital mammography (not film-screen or phosphor-plate computer radiography) is a priority, which also improves sensitivity in dense breasts. Radiologists qualified as screening readers should be involved in programmes. Digital breast tomosynthesis is also set to become "routine mammography" in the screening setting in the next future. Dedicated pathways for high-risk women offering breast MRI according to national or international guidelines and recommendations are encouraged. KEY POINTS: • EUSOBI and 30 national breast radiology bodies support screening mammography. • A first priority is double-reading biennial mammography for women aged 50-69 years. • Extension to 73-75 and from 40-45 to 49 years is also encouraged. • Digital mammography (not film-screen or computer radiography) should be used. • DBT is set to become "routine mammography" in the screening setting in the next future

    Código de ética do nutricionista clínico do FELANPE

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    &nbsp; El ejercicio profesional del nutricionista clínico (también conocido como nutricionista o dietista) está en&nbsp;constante evolución, lo que conlleva a retos, dificultades y dilemas éticos. Esta evolución se explica principalmente por una sociedad diversa y pluralista, que&nbsp;interactúa de diferentes formas. La inclusión de nuevas&nbsp;tecnologías y los avances científicos propician el acceso a la información y la disponibilidad de evidencia científica gracias a la interacción en redes sociales